The 2018 Blockbuster

When I was a kid it was a good day when I went to Toys “R” Us, the aisles and aisles of games, dolls, and blocks were a seven year old’s dream. Going to a store just for kids where you didn’t have to wait on your parents to buy the groceries and lightbulbs was, in my mind, what shopping was all about. As I grew up I took more to online shopping and less to going to the store and eventually Toys “R” Us became completely irrelevant to me, and many others.

A rise of online shopping and huge department stores have taken the world by storm people don’t need to even leave their homes to get groceries, all they have to do is push a button and go to their front doors. Over time these companies that have everything under the sun completely wash out stores that only cater to a certain type of people. And like how services like Netflix and Hulu have done to Blockbuster. Amazon and Target have put Toys “R” Us into bankruptcy.

When companies that were once top of the game are driven into bankruptcy it is usually because of new competitors who have figured out how to make products faster and cheaper than the original. But there is an underlying effect that the public has on these companies and that is that the store still has the same amount of product coming into the store and not enough going out, so they might try to lower their prices or advertise more. The real problem is that their supply is more than the demand for their products, there are not enough buyers for each product and so a downward spiral occurs with lowering prices, buying less products, but still having stalked shelves. So we eventually remember Toys “R” Us in the same manner that we remember Blockbuster, a company that was great for it’s time but just couldn’t keep up with new times.

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