Nationwide Tamiflu Shortage


A nationwide flu outbreak, worse than anything doctors have seen in the last 4 years, shows no signs of slowing down. A New York ER says more than 6.5 percent of patients coming in reporting flu symptoms. With 53 children dead and an expected rise of cases in the coming weeks the demand for Tamiflu is higher than ever, but supplies are running low.

An ER in Santa Monica, California sees 200 people or more a week coming in with flu like symptoms asking to be prescribed Tamiflu, but with a demand that high, not everyone can be treated. “They’re all on backorder, we can’t get them”, says one Pharmacy clerk about the prescription. This obviously affects the doctors, but more importantly it affects the children and parents of those children from getting the medicine they need to prevent the spread of the virus.

Genetech, the company that produces Tamiflu, claims there is not a widespread shortage of Tamiflu, but a quick google search pulls up dozens of local news sites for states alerting people of the low supply. In addition, the Pharmaceutical Journal published an article warning doctors and patients alike of the national, wide-spread limitation of the drug. Not only that, the Pharmaceutical Journal points out it’s not the capsule form in low supply, it’s the liquid from. The form prescribed to children.

Although an unknown total amount of children have died, the number is estimated rise from last year’s 12,000 because of this strain’s higher than normal death rate. Physicians are pleading members of the public to stay safe; “Sneeze into your sleeve, and if you’re sick, please stay home.” says Shoquist of Children’s Medical Center.


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