The Political Spectrum + the Filter Bubble = Political Bubbles!

In American politics there are so many options as to where we may fall on the political spectrum. That being said based on our political views already pre-determines what political bubble we are blown into. We as Americans must find a way to pop this filter bubble and think of it more as an umbrella where we are under together.

The spectrum has a never-ending left side and a never-ending right side with varying gray space in between so not everybody in the same party has to have the exact same view as others. Starting from the left to right (Or Democrats to Republicans) giving a general breakdown of the most popular groups, I will begin with the Liberals. Liberals are the farthest left on the spectrum and they have views that are optimistic and clearly they take liberal views on most issues. In the grey area, or the middle, this is where we have the most diverse area on the spectrum because you can be on one side and still differ from their respectful view points. political-polarization-in-america-xlI’ll just split the center into two pieces containing the Center-Left and Center-Right. The Center-Left, also known as the Moderate-Left, is a particular part of liberal party holds most of the same beliefs as the liberal party but also agrees or sides with some of the right sides views. That being said the Center-Right, also known as the Moderate-Right, would then be the same situation but reverse to where a Conservative holds most the same beliefs as the rest of the right side but also agrees with some left-side views. The farthest right on the spectrum we have Conservatives. Conservatives hold strong Americans values and believe the role of the government is to provide their freedom necessary to pursue their goals.

For the Filter Bubble, it’s a means for social media websites and search engines to personalize and modify your results based on what they think you would like to view as far as suggestions, searches, who to follow, and what you might like. In an article, Bill Gates says it best, “social media ‘lets you go off with like minded people’” and that is exactly what the filter bubble is doing, it’s causing us to go politically numb. filter bubble1This becomes a problem because if you favor one view or party then the Filter Bubble begins editing and removing views, and people from the other view or party. This is problematic because if we don’t educate ourselves as Americans on all sides of our politics then we will never fully understand both parties and become blinded by own perspectives never knowing the opposition’s view although there could be crucial things we are missing or maybe agree on but we would never know because we are too engulf in our own parties. There are several alternatives to bursting the bubble have been thought up and developed. One of those ideas involve programs like such as Upworthy, this is “an online platform with the goal of ‘viralizing’ highly shareable and relevant contents”. Another very reasonable option is building better filtering algorithms. An even better way of eliminating the filter bubble from causing problems for us is just in general instead looking at what presented to us is diving deeper in things and look for ourselves.


In all, our politics and political views interact but at the same time interfere with our social media websites due to the filter bubble. These are just a few of many ways that we can limit or remove the filter bubble from our social medias and come to together seeing all sides of the spectrum. filter bubble3

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